How Was Education In The Past In UAE Different From Now?


Did you know that the rate of literacy rate among men and women in the UAE was 58% and 38%, respectively, in 1975? Can you even believe it? I mean, it’s quite impossible to imagine the education in the UAE like that before. But trust me, before this fast-paced world where technology has taken over everything, education in the UAE was nothing like that today.

The UAE has come up so far and has emerged as one of the most modern countries in the world. And in the past few years, it has focused much on its educational system. And now, the literacy rate in the UAE is not less than 95%. That’s such a big improvement. I know that you want to know more. So, let’s take a journey to the past and see how education in the UAE has transformed over the years to reach this point of excellence in the academic world.

A Sneak-Peak Into The Past

Well, as I said, education in the UAE before was nothing like today. There was not much emphasis on education at all in the past. So, it was quite a different system. You know it was quite informal. There was no concept of children going to school for their studies learning about the world and the basic concepts. But children often used to learn from their elders or some local scholars. Subjects such as Arabic, Islamic knowledge, and basic math were taught to them in small settings. So, it was a completely different picture from now.

Limited Access To Education

You know, education in the past was not very accessible to UAE students. There were not many schools there. Yes, in 1952, there were just a few formal schools in the country that were offering formal education to children. It was in the 2960s and ’70s that a school development program was initiated that expanded their educational system and made schools throughout the country.

Gender Inequality

It was not just about the limited access to schools. However, it was about gender discrimination as well. Yeah, it was common in the UAE to prioritize boys over girls for education. And many families don’t even bother to teach their girls because they don’t consider it as important. So, we can say that there was a dire need for awareness among these people. Although education was not very accessible for boys, it was comparatively better.

The Rise Of Modern Education In The UAE

Now, let us move fast forward to the future. I hope you got an idea of what education was like in the UAE before. But now, it’s not at all like that before. It’s quite important for people in the UAE, whether they are girls or boys. Education has become an essential part of their lives. You will hardly find any illiterate UAE civilians now as compared to the past because they have now moved forward towards providing modern education.

Not just to their people but to the world as well. Yes, I know that’s a big change. But no doubt their government has invested so much in the education system of the UAE, making it one of the most advanced countries in the world now.

Universal Education For All

Well, as compared to the past, education in the UAE is now universal. And the best part is it’s quite accessible for everyone. Many institutes network all around the UAE, offering quality education to students. Many institutes are even offering students their academics and offering Cheap Assignment Help UAE. So, education is not just accessible, but it’s much more convenient now for students.

Technological Advancements In Education

Whenever we talk about technology, the UAE is the first country that pops into our minds. Technology has advanced so much. Then how is it even possible that it doesn’t integrate it into their educational system? You know they are creating world-class facilities for students that are full of modern technological tools and are helping students achieve academic excellence using technology. From interactive classrooms to integrating AR technologies, the UAE has now become one of the best academic destinations for students.

Diverse Curriculum Options

I know the curriculum in the UAE was quite limited before. But not now. They have improved their curriculum to meet the international standards of education. So, their curriculum is quite diverse now, considering their diverse population. You just don’t get to experience the national curriculum of the UAE. But if you want to try American style or maybe a British style of curriculum. You have a variety of options there. Yes, there are many institutes there offering education in different styles. So, you can choose your path there with a variety of options for you.

Embracing Innovation and Creativity

Well, apart from increased emphasis on providing quality education. Now, the UAE is emphasizing fostering innovation and creativity in its educational system. Being one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. They clearly understand the importance of innovation. Hence, they don’t want their students to be left behind in this fast-paced world. So, they foster creativity in their institutes. They are emphasizing improving the critical thinking skills of their students to help them think outside of the box and work on innovative ideas. So, they are working hard to create a better world for the future and pave the way to success for their students.

Final Words

In a nutshell, UAE has come up as an emerging country in the world of education in a very short time. Compared to their past, education was not much emphasized. They have now learned the importance of education and are doing their best to transform their educational system into the best one. They have taken several measures so far. The way they are moving forward in education is that soon, they will be considered one of the top countries for academics as well.

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